Sunday, February 19, 2012

About Security between views and tables


I've got a table T1 and a view V1 based on T1's rows (but not all rows).

I've granted users to do update and select on my View V1.
But i don't want users directly update my table T1.

then, i log as a standard user in Enterprise mgr, and open my view V1. I modify a value in a field, and when i validate, an error occurs saying i'm not allowed to make Select neither Update on table T1.

Is there a way of doing this ? (sql 2000).

You can't update a view. A view isn't a table. It's just a select statement.|||

Yes i can. I did it many times, as the select is not too complex, you can do it.

For insance, if you got a table T1 with fields (ID, f1,f2,f3,f4) and a view V1 as select id, f1,f2 from t1, you 'll be allowed to make updates.

this feature works fine with many views i wrote.

|||Well, I'll be...

Have you read through this document to see if you have met the criteria for updateable views?|||

thanks for the link. yes my view is updateable, and when there's no grant restrictions, it works fine.

My problem is the following : I'm working on an ms access migration to sql 2000.
Then, i use my view as an attached table in access, an users can modify some values.
But i don't wan basic users have a direct access to the table, only to the view.
That's why i tried to restrict select and update on the table, whereas select and updates are allowed to the view.

But i'm afraid i won't be able to do this...

|||If you have the base table restricted, I'm wondering if the view can supercede that security. I'm thinking not.|||

i'm afraid you're right. so i'll have to manage my own security... :-(

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