Friday, February 24, 2012

About SQL SERVER 2005(Stored Procedure) & Dot Net 1.1

I create a new stored procedure in SQL SERVER 2005 .It it is stored in " C:\Documents and Settings\mmm\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio Express\Projects" as (some_name).sql .it takes this links by default . Then I exeecute it with this command

"exec InsertValueIntoTable ;" BUT when i want to execute with clicking the execute button in the then gives an error "Could not find stored procedure 'InsertValueIntoTable'."

Malay Roy wrote:

I create a new stored procedure in SQL SERVER 2005 .It it is stored in " C:\Documents and Settings\mmm\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio Express\Projects" as (some_name).sql .it takes this links by default . Then I exeecute it with this command

What do you mean by this? The *.sql file is just the script, you must put all the contents in the sql file to SQL_SERVE before you can execute the SP.



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Thank you,

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