Friday, February 24, 2012

About sql server administration tools

Hi Guys,
I am planning to buy some tools that facilitate my admin of my sql server
live database. Now I don't any tools to use. I just want to inquiry that is
there any tools I can buy to facilitate my admin of sql server, such as
minitor tools, backup tools, performance tunning tools, so on. Thanks.Iter
"Iter" <> wrote in message
> Hi Guys,
> I am planning to buy some tools that facilitate my admin of my sql server
> live database. Now I don't any tools to use. I just want to inquiry that
> is
> there any tools I can buy to facilitate my admin of sql server, such as
> minitor tools, backup tools, performance tunning tools, so on. Thanks.
Check these sites
Knowledge is power, share it...
"Iter" <> wrote in message
> Hi Guys,
> I am planning to buy some tools that facilitate my admin of my sql server
> live database. Now I don't any tools to use. I just want to inquiry that
> is
> there any tools I can buy to facilitate my admin of sql server, such as
> minitor tools, backup tools, performance tunning tools, so on. Thanks.
>|||I really like a few of Red-Gate's tools. I couldn't live without SQL
Compare and SQL Backup has been very useful.
For deployment I rely heavily on SQL Farms Combine:
Aaron Bertrand
SQL Server MVP
"Iter" <> wrote in message
> Hi Guys,
> I am planning to buy some tools that facilitate my admin of my sql server
> live database. Now I don't any tools to use. I just want to inquiry that
> is
> there any tools I can buy to facilitate my admin of sql server, such as
> minitor tools, backup tools, performance tunning tools, so on. Thanks.
>|||As already mentioned, there are a number of tools that can do the job.
That being said, you should maybe evaluate what you need is before you
go out and buy a tool. SQL Servers own Enterprise Manager/SQL Server
Management Studio, can actually do the job very well for most
administrative purposes. You should also keep in mind that the tools you
can buy, in many cases can't do much more than what you can do your self
with Managent Studio and some SQL scripting knowledge - the tools just
make it a little bit more "userfriendly".
It's my personal feeling that if you only have a few SQL Servers to look
after, you might not really need a 3rd. party tool for the admin. If you
have many servers to look after, some of the tools might be better to
give you this "over-all" view of the whole SQL server farm.
I've over the years never really felt the need to use a 3rd. party tool
for administration, but have been quite happy with Enterprise Manager /
Query analyser / SQL Server Management studio. I've then written various
scripts over time to do some specific task that I needed - and the
benefit of that is that I've learned a lot more about how SQL server
does things "behind the scenes".
Steen Schlüter Persson
Database Administrator / System Administrator
Iter wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am planning to buy some tools that facilitate my admin of my sql server
> live database. Now I don't any tools to use. I just want to inquiry that is
> there any tools I can buy to facilitate my admin of sql server, such as
> minitor tools, backup tools, performance tunning tools, so on. Thanks.

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