Friday, February 24, 2012

About SQL Profiler and query

i have enable SQL Profiler for my SQL2000 DB and view a "SQLTransaction" but
the TextData is always empty and my application name is JSQL.
This transaction duration is : 10516
The question are :
1- It's a normal that the "textdata" is always empty ?
2- The application name "JSQL" maybe JBOSS on my Apache server?
3- The duration of this transaction is too much ?
Thanks.What are you expecting to see in the TextData column for the SQLTransaction
event? It's documented behaviour is to display "The savepoint or rollback
name, if provided.", according to SQL Server Books Online:
Given that it's not common to name savepoints or rollbacks, it's probably a
little unusual to expect to see much in SQLTransaction:TextData. Perhaps you
should be profiling a different event - if you post back with what you're
hoping to see, we can perhaps help by recommending a different event to
Greg Linwood
SQL Server MVP
<> wrote in message news:eu8ETkNnEHA.2764@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
> Hi
> i have enable SQL Profiler for my SQL2000 DB and view a "SQLTransaction"
> but
> the TextData is always empty and my application name is JSQL.
> This transaction duration is : 10516
> The question are :
> 1- It's a normal that the "textdata" is always empty ?
> 2- The application name "JSQL" maybe JBOSS on my Apache server?
> 3- The duration of this transaction is too much ?
> Thanks.

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