Saturday, February 25, 2012

about SQL String (security question)

I have a SQL Query String like below..

string SQLUpd = "UPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + pwd + "',Member_nickname = '" + NickName + "',Member_mail = '" + Mail + "',Member_birthday = '" + BDay + "', Member_gende_no = " + Gender + ",Member_mobile = '" + Mobile + "' ,Member_tel_day = '" + DTel + "',Member_tel_night = '" + NTel + "',Member_occupy_no = " + occupy + ",Member_national_no = " + National + ",Member_area_no = " + Area + ",Member_address = '" + Address + "' WHERE (Member_no = " + MemberNo + " )";

in my program it does work perfectly ... but now I just recalled my teacher have told.. it may cause security problem in that way...

maybe I need to change 【UPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + pwd +】 toUPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + @.pwd +】

is there any difference between pwd and @.pwd?

thank you very much

I think what your teacher suggested is to use Parameterized Queries. There are a few benefits to it - primarily - security, maintenance/ease of coding. Please google for more info.I can type up a couple of lines but you will learn more from the articles already published.|||

Using this dynamic query building with strings is bad. Users can potentially inject malicious code into your queries. I have included a helpful link for you to review:

Good Luck!


thanks for you all (very much)

do you have a example for C#... shame on me I'm not similiar with VB...

I just trying to fix my original code . can you give me some suggestion?

except I have to change pwd to @.pwd.. is something else I've to add or edit?

thank you very much

================start of original code ============================

string strUpd = "data Source=x.x.x.x;user=sa;password=1234 ;initial catalog=English";
string SQLUpd = "UPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + pwd + "',Member_nickname = '" + NickName + "',Member_mail = '" + Mail + "',Member_birthday = '" + BDay + "', Member_gende_no = " + Gender + ",Member_mobile = '" + Mobile + "' ,Member_tel_day = '" + DTel + "',Member_tel_night = '" + NTel + "',Member_occupy_no = " + occupy + ",Member_national_no = " + National + ",Member_area_no = " + Area + ",Member_address = '" + Address + "' WHERE (Member_no = " + MemberNo + " )";
SqlConnection connUPD = new SqlConnection(strUpd);
SqlCommand cmdUpd = new SqlCommand(SQLUpd, connUPD);
cmdUpd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;



================end of original code ============================

================fixed code ===================================

string strUpd = "data Source=x.x.x.x;user=sa;password=1234 ;initial catalog=English";
string SQLUpd = "UPDATE Member SET Member_pwd = '" + @.pwd + "',Member_nickname = '" + NickName + "',Member_mail = '" + Mail + "',Member_birthday = '" + BDay + "', Member_gende_no = " + Gender + ",Member_mobile = '" + Mobile + "' ,Member_tel_day = '" + DTel + "',Member_tel_night = '" + NTel + "',Member_occupy_no = " + occupy + ",Member_national_no = " + National + ",Member_area_no = " + Area + ",Member_address = '" + Address + "' WHERE (Member_no = " + MemberNo + " )";
SqlConnection connUPD = new SqlConnection(strUpd);
SqlCommand cmdUpd = new SqlCommand(SQLUpd, connUPD);
cmdUpd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;



|||The post is marked as answered. So I am assuming you got your solution?|||

no no no... I'm sorry

should I post a new topic for extra question?

I still have many wonder on this filed...

thank you



You will need to add the parameters for all the criterias that is used in the query. Not only the pwd.

A typical sample might look like

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from Table WHERE [name]", this.connection);
cmd.Parameters.Add("", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
cmd.Parameters.Value = "Kevin";
SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

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