Friday, February 24, 2012

about sql server 2005

hi friends,
i'm a new user to sql server 2005 express edition. just now i've installed this server edition. i dont know how to view the server name. i've mentioned that to use windows authentication during installation.
please help me for : to view the server name in sql server 2005?(it shows only configuration manager and surface area configuration in the all programs menu) to add new database in this server 2005?(it has no enterprise manager like sql server 2000)

3.when i tried to install MSDE 2000 Release A for SQL SERVER 2005, it throws an error that "A strong SA password is required for security reasons.please use SAPWD switch to supply the same. refer to readme for more details.setup will now exit".

its urgent please........................................

1. The default SQL Server Express name is: [ (local)\SQLExpress ]

2. Download SQL Server Management Studio Express here. A tutorial here.

3. There is a README.TXT file included with the MSDE installation files. You will find instructions about using the command line switches in the README.TXT.

|||marvelous reply.............i didn't expect like this............(for sudden reply)...........thank you......
i've one doubt which is i heard that SQL SERVER 2005 express edition has own inbuilt MSDE 2005. but i've installed the MSDE 2000A. will it override the existing MSDE? and What is the procedure to view the server name?

SQL Server Express can coexists with MSDE. They are very similar (different versions of the same product).

You can verify what instances of SQL Server (MSDE, Express, REgular -they all look the same to the OS) by going to the [Control Panel], select [Administrative Tools], then [Services].

SQL Server(s) will be listed under 'MSSQL'.

If there is one listed as MSSQLSERVER, it's name is the same as your computer name, and it is also know as (local).

Other Instances will be listed as MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS, etc. It's name is the computer name, backslash, and the Instance Name (the part after the dollar sign).

So, SQL Express will be know as: (local)\SQLEXPRESS, or if your computer name is 'Bob, it would be: Bob\SQLEXPRESS

And the same for MSDE and other Instances of SQL Server. It is not at all unusual to find multiple SQL Server Instances -many third party applications install SQL Server Instances for their own use.

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