Saturday, February 25, 2012

about SqlTransaction

updatestring = "Update [Flow] set received=1 where flowid=@.flowid"
insertstring = "Insert into [Flow] (barcode, copyid, floworder, recvdate, recvuser, recvdepartment) "
insertstring += "values (@.barcode, @.copyid, @.floworder, @.recvdate, @.recvuser, @.recvdepartment)"

is it can't use sqltransaction in the same table ?

when i not apply the sqltransaction, then the about two queries can work success, but when i apply the sqltransaction, then have an error in following.

error :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Source Error:

Line 278: message.Text = "Recebido o documento " & barcodetx.Text & "!!"
Line 279: Catch ex As Exception
<red>Line 280: objtransaction.Rollback()</red>
Line 281: message.Text = "Não se conseguiu registar!!"
Line 282: FinallyHi

You haven't posted any of the real code where stuff is happening.
You are probably best of wrapping the whole thing inside a stored proc and calling that.

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