Saturday, February 25, 2012

about supersocket failed

When i install a layered SPI, the SQL will report supersocket failed while
bind to port 1433 ? when i uninstall the layered SPI, it is OK. but i
disable the SPI by move the SPI down, it also report failed? who can tell me
the reason and how to avoid it?
Xiaorun huangHi
Have you run netstat -b to see what is using the port?
"xiaorun" wrote:

> Hi!
> When i install a layered SPI, the SQL will report supersocket failed while
> bind to port 1433 ? when i uninstall the layered SPI, it is OK. but i
> disable the SPI by move the SPI down, it also report failed? who can tell
> the reason and how to avoid it?
> Thanks!
> Xiaorun huang
>|||I had see and it is sqlservr use the 1433 port, and i can connect to 1433
port and use SQL server, but it has this error in the event log.
Xiaorun huang
"John Bell" <> wrote in message
> Hi
> Have you run netstat -b to see what is using the port?
> John
> "xiaorun" wrote:
You can get the error message whe n the account that the SQL Server service
is running as, does not have local admin rights, but how that would be linke
to loading SPI and why you would not get it without, I am not sure.
"xiaorun" wrote:

> I had see and it is sqlservr use the 1433 port, and i can connect to 1433
> port and use SQL server, but it has this error in the event log.
> Thanks!
> Xiaorun huang
> "John Bell" <> wrote in message

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