Friday, February 24, 2012

About Sql agent

Hello there,
Our sqlserver and sqlagent are started by a local administrator account, the
database backup files were stored on local disk. We are think to put databas
backup files to UNC directory on different server.
My question is that can we change sqlagent service to started by domain
account and let sqlserver service still run by local account? Any issue coul
be? Did the sqlserver and sqlagent have to run by a same account?
I really appreciate your reply,
LionelThe one performing the backup is SQL Server, not Agent. So you need proper a
ccount for SQL Server
service. No, they don't need to use the same account. But watch out for the
mail support (SQL Mail
and Agent mail) if they don't. I prefer to have them using the same account.
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
"lionel" <> wrote in message
> Hello there,
> Our sqlserver and sqlagent are started by a local administrator account, t
> database backup files were stored on local disk. We are think to put datab
> backup files to UNC directory on different server.
> My question is that can we change sqlagent service to started by domain
> account and let sqlserver service still run by local account? Any issue co
> be? Did the sqlserver and sqlagent have to run by a same account?
> I really appreciate your reply,
> Thanks
> Lionel

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