Thursday, February 16, 2012

about MSSQLSERVER run as LocalSystem

Hi,it is fail when I try to open a namedpipe of another machine in sql2000's
extern storage procedure.
WNetAddConnection2() return 1312
CreateFile() return -1 and GetLastError() return 5
MSSQLSERVER is running as LocalSystem.
If MSSQLSERVER login using a user account, the extern storage procedure can
open the namedpipe of another machine.
Why? someone can give me a little explanation.
RateIf you need a SQL Server to be able to access other network
resources, including other servers, SQL Server needs to be
running under a domain account. Local System doesn't have
access to network resources.
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:39:16 +0800, "rate"
<> wrote:

>Hi,it is fail when I try to open a namedpipe of another machine in sql2000'
>extern storage procedure.
>WNetAddConnection2() return 1312
>CreateFile() return -1 and GetLastError() return 5
>MSSQLSERVER is running as LocalSystem.
>If MSSQLSERVER login using a user account, the extern storage procedure can
>open the namedpipe of another machine.
>Why? someone can give me a little explanation.

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