Thursday, February 9, 2012

About Custom SiteMapProvider


i used the custom sqlsitemapprovider which is in this web : but in this sample they used sqlsitemapprovider as a default sitemapprovider i dont wanna use it as a default and i wanna send a paramater which is used to filter datas to that class. I modified that class and i can take a sitemapprovider back and i wanna show it a sitemappath data source programmaticaly. i wanna create an instance object of sitemappath datasource and i wanna bind it to that class and then i wanna add a treeview control to the page then i wanna bind it to the sitemapdatasource programmaticaly too..

Thanks for your attetion.


Ok i made it

if you wanna learn how i made it :

just write them written below in the specified area :

in web.config:

<add name="SiteMapConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Sorular;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<sqlCacheDependency enabled="true"/>
<add name="SiteMapBenYazdim" type="SqlSiteMapProvider" connectionStringName="SiteMapConnectionString"></add>
SiteMapDataSource data = new SiteMapDataSource();
data.SiteMapProvider = "SiteMapBenYazdim";
TreeView1.DataSource = data;
TreeNodeBinding bind = new TreeNodeBinding();
bind.TextField = "Title";
bind.ToolTipField = "Description";
bind.ValueField = "Url";
bind.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.SelectExpand;

That it man.i have been working on that damn thing about 2 days. And thanks God finally i made it..

|||SqlSiteMapProvider sitemap =newSqlSiteMapProvider();SiteMapDataSource treeVeriTabani =newSiteMapDataSource();

treeVeriTabani.Provider = sitemap;

TreeKonular.DataSource = treeVeriTabani;

TreeNodeBinding alanlar =newTreeNodeBinding();

alanlar.TextField ="Title";

alanlar.ValueField ="Url";

alanlar.ToolTipField ="Title";

alanlar.SelectAction =TreeNodeSelectAction.SelectExpand;



Ok thats itSmile

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