Thursday, February 16, 2012

About Members and Ordinal function

When I use MDX sample application,
I write a code like this:


{[Time].[All Time].[2005]} ON COLUMNS,

{Filter([Equipment].Members, (InStr(1, [Equipment].CurrentMember.Name, "xxxx") =1))} ON ROWS

FROM francis.

Here Equipment is a huge dimension table,actually I want to do it like

Filter([Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].Members to narrow the range as prevent duplicate.
But it failed.

One more is I can't use ordinal function in it too, but I can do it in AS and test in pivottables.

Can someone tell me the reasons?
This is probably the same issue as I mentioned on the other thread - you probably need to use the .Children function instead of the .Members function. The .Children function returns all the members 'underneath' a member in a hierarchy, the .Members function returns all the members on a dimension or level. So:
[Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].Children
should work for you.

I'm not sure what you mean about your problem with the Ordinal function - can you provide more details?

Chris|||Hi, Chris, give you more details as example. I assume[Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].[machine001] have [abc],[bcd],[efg],[hij] these children like [Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].[machine001].[abc], and in them they all have a children call [ABSmain_xxxx] like [Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].[machine001].[abc].ABSmain_abc.
Now I want to average all the ABSmain_xxx value, so I will do a filter to the set I reach now.
If I use [Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].[machine001].Children, it will only filter the [abc],[bcd]...etc, it won't go deep to their children.
I suppose to do it like [Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].[machine001].[abc].level.members,I think it will work.

|||No, your last example won't do what you want, I think - it will return all the members on the same level as[Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].[machine001].[abc]. Does[Equipment].[All types].[mechanism].[machine001].[abc].CHILDREN do what you want? Otherwise, you might want to check out the DESCENDANTS function.

You might want to read some of the articles in the 'MDX Essentials' series here:
Especially the ones on 'family' functions such as this one:


Chris|||Hi, Chris, I have checked the descendants function and it is the one I want, it works fine expect for a little longer query time than I thought.

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