Hello all,
forgive me if this isn't the right forum for this isue
I'm using the following php code:
$db = realpath("database/userdatabase.mdb") or die('<b>Connectie met database mislukt</b>');
$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$db");
$conn->Execute("INSERT INTO TblNews(Title, Nieuws, Date, Author) VALUES ('Testing', 'tekst', '16Oktober2006', 'Ikke')");
$conn->Execute("INSERT INTO TblNews VALUES (20,'Testing', 'tekst', '16 Oktober 2006', 'Ikke')");
The 2nd insert command works perfectly but the first gives an error all the time!
The table has a NewsID with auto_increment on..
The error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message '<b>Source:</b> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers<br/><b>Description:</b> [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.' in d:\www\tiedtzat.nl\www\nieuw\testdb.php:19 Stack trace: #0 d:\www\tiedtzat.nl\www\nieuw\testdb.php(19): com->Execute('INSERT INTO Tbl...') #1 {main} thrown in site.com\testdb.php on line 19
Thanks for the help in advance! :)
if the driver does not bring back any detailed information you should try to execute the query within access to see a more detailed error information. As from your queries ir could be taht your second queries fills a not nullable field which is not filled within the first query. Which columns are you filling in the second query that you don′t dill in the first one ?
HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer.
I found the problem!
I was using Date as one of the fields in the table which access doesn't seem to accept :)
Thanks for your help!
|||Hi TrojanH: (sorry for my English I only speak Spanish) I'm traying too use PHP with Ms Accesss database and ADODB.Connection but have not found a manual about ADO and PHP. and I'not able mannage the recordset , I need know how do a seek, like mysql_data_seek or know the record number etc,
if it's possible can you tellme where to find info?
Hello Gabriel,
As you might have noticed, information about adodb.connection is very hard to find on the Internet so I don't have much information...
What I use in php is this:
$db = realpath("database/db.mdb") or die('<b>Connection failed</b>');
$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$db");
$rs = $conn->Execute("Select blabla... yadi yadi");
$blabla = $rs->Fields("blabla")->value;
$rs->MoveNext(); // Dont forget this!!!
good luck!|||TrojanH:
that is the only way I know to view-manage the base. but I need more than this,
|||Gabriel wrote:
that is the only way I know to view-manage the base. but I need more than this,
The Execute performs all actions including update, delete etc...
I don't know what you need to know exactly but that probably goes beyond my knowledge about access databases
Hi again:
Actualy I know how to do SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE.
But I need functions link : "mysql_data_seek()", "mysql_num_rows()", or " Select * from tabla LIMIT $ini, $reg "
This kind of funtions that allow to manage data.
|||Gabriel wrote:
You could try the standard count(*) function in sql
Gabriel wrote:
" Select * from tabla LIMIT $ini, $reg "
As far as I know, there is no 'LIMIT' in sql (only mysql) and sql will only accept stuff like "Select TOP 10 * FROM..."
Sorry, cant help you any further with this... I hope this works for you
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